Because of the variety of services we provide, it can be difficult to discern whether an issue is related to our office and if so, which department you should contact. The marriage license is valid for 60 days, beginning the day after it is issued.Īppointments for wedding ceremonies at City Hall or within the Buffalo City limits can be made at the time of the license or by contacting our office, (716) 851-5274.The Erie County Clerk's Office processes over 2 million transactions per year. The license is issued immediately, the marriage ceremony may not take place within 24 hours from the exact time that the license was issued. The present fee for a New York State Marriage License is $40.00. You must be 18 years or older in order to apply for a marriage license. If previous spouse is deceased, you must provide the death certificate. If there was more than one divorce, you will have to provide the date of all divorces and have the paperwork for the latest divorce.

If previously married: You must provide a copy of your final divorce decree that has the County stamp on it as to where it was filed.The envelope must be sealed when it arrives in the office - you will not receive this information back. For Refugees: If you do not have a birth certificate, you must go to the agency that is sponsoring you and they will write your name, birth date, birth place, and parents' names on their letterhead.Small card birth certificates are not accepted due to not having parents' names on them. For Canadians: Please make sure to bring the LONG FORM of your birth certificate.For foreign language birth certificates: You need to provide a certified translation into English from International Institute of Buffalo, 864 Delaware Ave, Buffalo, NY 14209, #(716) 883-1900, along with the original birth certificate.A Certified Birth Certificate listing parents' names.A current Driver's license with photo or a state issued photo ID such as a non-driver's license, passport, etc.

Both applicants must provide the following: PLEASE NOTE, license applicants will only be accepted during our service hours of Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m.

Submit the worksheet with birth certificates, photo ID's, and if previously married, divorce papers, when you come in person. A NYS Marriage Worksheet Application is available for your assistance. TO APPLY FOR A NEW YORK STATE MARRIAGE LICENSE:Īpplications can be processed in Room 1301 in City Hall.